Legal notes
Legal entity
Registered office
21 Rue André Maginot - Résidence Universitaire les Jardins de Fleming
91400 Orsay
SIRET: 814 750 287 00017
Publication manager
Thomas Houdin - President of FedeRez
General Terms of Use
About Re2o
Re2o is an administration tool initiated by Rezo Metz and a few members of other FedeRez associations around the summer 2016.
It is intended to be a tool independent from any network infrastructure so it can be setup in "a few steps". This tool is entirely free and available under a GNU Public License v2 (GPLv2) license on FedeRez gitlab.
Re2o's maintainers are volunteers mainly from French schools.
If you want to get involved in the development process, we will be glad to welcome you so do not hesitate to contact us and come help us build the future of Re2o.
Contributors list
- Gabriel Detraz
- Hugo Levy-falk
- Maël Kervella
- Jean-romain Garnier
- Arthur Grisel-davy
- Laouen Fernet
- Augustin Lemesle
- Lara Kermarec
- Root `root` Root
- Alexandre Iooss
- Yoann Piétri
- Charlie Jacomme
- Corentin Canebier
- Bombar Maxime
- Guillaume Goessel
- Matthieu Michelet
- Edpibu
- Fardale
- Jean-marie Mineau
- David Sinquin
- Gabriel Le Bouder
- Simon Brélivet
- ~anonymised~
- Benjamin Graillot
- Leïla Bekaddour
- Éloi Alain
- Pierre Cadart
- Antoine Vintache
- Thibault De Boutray
- Delphine Salvy
- Joanne Steiner
- Krokmou
- B
- Daniel Stan
- Gwenael Le Hir
- Hugo Hervieux
- Mikachu
- Nymous
- Pierre-antoine Comby
- Vincent Le Gallic
Version information
- Remote URL: Unable to get the information.
- Branch: Unable to get the information.
- Commit: Unable to get the information.
- Commit date: Unable to get the information.
- dal
- dal_select2
- dal_legacy_static
- django.contrib.admin
- django.contrib.auth
- django.contrib.contenttypes
- django.contrib.sessions
- django.contrib.messages
- django.contrib.staticfiles
- django.contrib.humanize
- bootstrap3
- rest_framework
- reversion
- users
- machines
- cotisations
- topologie
- search
- re2o
- preferences
- logs
- ldap_sync
- api
- rest_framework.authtoken
- django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware
- django.middleware.locale.LocaleMiddleware
- django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware
- django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware
- django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware
- django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware
- django.middleware.clickjacking.XFrameOptionsMiddleware
- reversion.middleware.RevisionMiddleware